We are honored to serve as your Co-Presidents for the League's 2023-2024 year and excited about the possibilities to expand the impact of the League in our community.
High on our priority list is getting our League well organized and prepared for the 2024 election. We have rented space in a storage facility so that League materials are in one central location rather than at member homes. This is an opportunity to clean out old files and bring all the organizational details up to date.
Concurrently, the Membership Committee is working on a new action plan designed to add new members and encourage more participation from existing members. Watch for news on in-person and Zoom activities in future issues of The VOTER.
Annual Meeting Recap
At the Annual Meeting in June, the membership adopted these program priorities for 2023-2024:
Voter Education and Participation
Climate and the Environment
Housing, Homelessness
Mental Health
Members also approved an increase in League dues (from $75 to $85 annually for individual members and from $105 to $125 annually for household memberships) and adopted the budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The final report on the 2022-2023 budget can be viewed HERE.
Special thanks to California State Assemblymember Gail Pellerin for her keynote talk at the start of the Annual Meeting. We especially enjoyed hearing about pending legislation that reflects her experience as the Elections Officer in Santa Cruz County. Watch her presentation HERE.
A new leadership team of officers and Board members was also elected at the Annual Meeting, and we, as the new Co-Presidents, are thrilled to have these talented and dedicated individuals commit to working together in the coming year: Carol Watts as Vice President, Linda Marquez as secretary and Anita Romero as treasurer, and Board members Vicki Alexander, Martha Beattie, Roma Dawson, Gloria Chun Hoo, Gloria Loventhal, Sandy Mory, Julie Pollitt, Charlene Siddens and Rosaleen Zisch.
Please contact us with questions, suggestions or concerns. We look forward to talking with you!
Martha Butzier
Diane McNutt