Pros & Cons of Ballot Measures
Before every major election, the League of Women Voters produces a written analysis of propositions on the ballot in California. This provides unbiased information on ballot measures in clear, easy to understand language. The goal is to help you decide whether to vote Yes or No on each measure. Also our local League holds events to discuss these propositions with audiences.
The next major election is the Presidential election on November 5, 2024.
November 5, 2024 Election
We were pleased to present many Pros & Cons events to various groups for this election. If you didn't see one, see the resources below to help you decide how you want to vote on the ten propositions.
Online Resources
​Do you have general questions about voting in California? Check out the Easy Voter Guide which gives a clear overview on voter registration and voting. It is available in multiple languages.
See the Pros & Cons analysis for the 10 state propositions. Download and print PDF.
Video Presentation of Props 4, 5, and 36 by our Pros & Cons team on 10/17.
Here is a summary of more resources:
Latest campaign finance information (CA Secretary of State Powersearch)
Overview of state bond debt (CA Legislative Analyst)