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Housing and Homelessness

The League of Women Voters of California has an affordable housing position and a homelessness action policy.  The League believes everyone has the right to a safe, decent place to live.  Our local Housing and Homelessness Committee utilizes regional, state and national positions and policies to increase the supply of below-market-rate housing units and homeless shelter beds in the cities we serve.  If authorized by the board of directors of LWV San Jose/Santa Clara, we address policy makers as part of our advocacy.  


Our local League was an early supporter of a residential impact fee and worked hard on a multi-year effort leading to the adoption of a commercial linkage fee.  Both fees were passed by the San Jose City Council.  A recent advocacy effort led to the passage by San Jose voters of a ballot measure enacting a transfer fee on high value properties.  The measure increases San Jose's budgeted funds for affordable housing and homelessness prevention by some $20 to $70 million dollars annually.  Ongoing Committee work includes monitoring the annual Housing Element and other General Plan related matters and efforts to prevent homelessness.  For example, we wrote letters of support for the recently-adopted Community Plan to End Homelessness.

If you are interested in joining the Committee or have questions about our work, contact   

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T: 408-271-7163     


P.O Box 5374    

San Jose  CA, 95150

The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate for public office. The League encourages informed and active participation in government by influencing public policy through education and advocacy.

Serving people of San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Morgan Hill, and Gilroy

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