Once a year, we invite all members of our League to gather for our Annual Meeting. For the second year, it will be virtual. We are so pleased to welcome Carol Moon Goldberg, President of LWV California to speak with us to kick off this event. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about how we can work with other Leagues to help make democracy work.
In addition to asking our members to vote on several important items including approving an updated position on San Jose local governance, our priorities for the next fiscal year, our budget, and leaders, we also want to hear your Directions to the Board: what do you think our League should do in the next year and how should we best accomplish the goals? Sign up now to attend!
The week after our Annual Meeting, the LWV California Convention is being held virtually. This is the state League’s biennial business meeting where we will approve a budget, priorities, leaders, and other business. There are also terrific workshops and caucuses and other discussions and events. We have four delegates to this convention, but YOU can also attend. Caucuses cost nothing: just sign up. The topics include health care, environmental justice, immigration, and civic education. If you would like to attend a workshop or any or all of the plenary sessions (the official convention which you can observe), just register for $25 and sign up for any workshops of interest to you. A workshop is produced by LWV California; a caucus is sponsored by a local League.
Our Board of Directors has approved a $500 donation to LWV California to help support the costs of this convention. We also thank Gloria Chun Hoo, our past president, for her service to our state League. We are so proud that she has been nominated to serve for another two years as the LWVC Vice President focusing on Action.
Do NOT miss our next Lunch with League! We are pleased to host Russell Hancock, CEO of Joint Venture Silicon Valley speaking about Tale of Two Valleys: Economic Disparity in Silicon Valley. Get ready to ask him questions about how we can develop policies to improve the lives of those struggling to overcome income inequality. Learn more and register today.
Register now to attend a virtual event produced by the Civil Discourse committee of the Leagues of Santa Clara County on Saturday, June 26 from 2-4pm about "Health Care: How Can We Bring Costs Down While Getting the Care We Need?".
Are you ready for in-person events? We are considering the possibility of holding our September Lunch with League with real food, safely together, in one room!!
Have a wonderful summer in our Yellow Zone!