It may be a short month in days, but February is a big month when it comes to opportunities for getting more involved with the League. If you are feeling frustrated about having impact on current events (or the weather), take comfort in tackling a local project that makes a difference. Read through the newsletter to see descriptions of the many activities on our calendar for February and beyond.
We were happy to see so many of you at January events. Special thanks to the Membership Committee, co-chaired by Gloria Loventhal and Carol Watts, for another informative and relevant Lunch with League speaker (Stacy Cross of Planned Parenthood), and big applause for the efforts of Linda Marquez, Anita Romero, Gloria Chun Hoo, Julie Pollitt and Carol Watts for putting together a productive and energizing Program Planning session. We have so many dedicated and talented people in our League!
Diane McNutt, President
League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara
P.S. All League members are invited to attend our monthly Board meetings held at 3 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month on Zoom. If you would like to receive the agenda packet and Zoom link, contact me.