Every now and then, there is a critical turning point in the future of our community. We are at one of those forks in the road right now regarding Coyote Valley. The League is a longtime supporter of preserving Coyote Valley as open space and much has been accomplished to protect it. On Nov. 16, the San Jose City Council will decide whether to make changes in the General Plan that keep Coyote Valley as open space and agricultural land or retain current General Plan language that allows it to be potentially used for industrial parks and warehousing.
We hope you will contact your City Councilmember with a strong message as soon as possible. Find lots of information to help you in our Action Alert.
On November 2, the League sent a letter to the advisory San Jose Redistricting Commission 2020 asking it to recommend to the City Council to consider creating an Independent Redistricting Commission before the 2030 census (the next time redistricting will occur). It may seem like there is a lot of time to work on this issue, but this type of change can literally take years to achieve so our advocacy needs to start now. LWV California was a leader in the movement to create California’s independent Citizens Redistricting Commission.
Don’t miss our upcoming Lunch with League with Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Superintendent of Schools for Santa Clara County who will answer your questions about improving education and wellness in our schools. Join us on the third Thursday, Nov. 18 at noon.
Join an interactive workshop on Saturday November 6 at 2pm: "Where the Rubber Meets The Road: The Challenges Of Making Taxation And Spending Decisions". With others, you will try to prioritize spending choices and decide how to pay for them. What is it like to make difficult decisions and come to consensus? Register now for this event produced by the Civil Discourse committee of the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County.
Mark Tuesday Dec. 7 on your calendar! Plan to dress up, leave your home, and travel to celebrate the holidays with your League friends IN PERSON!!! We will hold our annual Holiday Party in downtown San Jose where we look forward to seeing each other NOT behind a Zoom screen! See you there—it will be so much fun!!
Let's Party!!