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Happy Birthday, America!

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

May you have many more! Is there a more fitting day than America's Independence Day to think about what lies ahead for the League as we start our new fiscal year? We are at many turning points in our nation, it is clearer than ever that the voice and actions of the League are needed to protect and support the principles of democracy and freedom that define who we are as individuals and as a country.

National Convention Four of our League members were among the 1,000+ delegates (in person and virtual) who attended the biennial convention of the League of the U.S. It was encouraging and energizing to see women and men from all 50 states and D.C. work together to learn from each other, debate priorities, and agree on a plan for the next two years that will have impact on the challenging issues that face us today and in the future. We understand that recordings of many of the workshops will soon be available and we'll let you know when that occurs. In the meantime, you can get a flavor of the convention by watching the opening remarks of LWVUS President Dr. Deborah Ann Turner. Local Priorities At the June Annual Meeting, League members approved six program priorities for 2022-23: climate change/natural resources; affordable housing and homelessness; effect of money on politics; governance; redistricting; and public education system. In future issues of The VOTER you will learn more about how we are tackling each of these through education and action. We also elected new officers and Board members for 2022-23. Serving as Co-Presidents are Taryn Upchurch and Diane McNutt with Carol Watts as Vice-President. Anita Romero is Treasurer and Martha Butzier is Secretary. Board members are Vicki Alexander, Roma Dawson, Gloria Chun Hoo, Gloria Loventhal, and Sandy Mory. The Annual Meeting also acknowledged with gratitude and appreciation the outstanding work of three departing Board members -- Marie Arnold, Kathleen Muller, and Julia O'Keefe. Please contact either one of us if you have a question or would like to talk about how you can become more involved in the League. Taryn Upchurch Diane McNutt


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President's Message

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