Labor Day is upon us -- the traditional kick off to election season. We've already been bombarded with TV ads for several weeks, and the political mailers are starting to flow in the door. The pace will only continue to accelerate as we get closer to Nov. 8.
It's a high pressure time for the League, too, as we work hard to register voters, organize Candidate Forums, update Voter's Edge and prepare for Pros & Cons presentations. And, as always, we are on the look out for actions that might interfere with voting rights and fair elections.
As you'll read in this newsletter, there are several educational programs coming up in the next few weeks including our special Lunch with League on Sept. 15 focused on "Don't get duped by misinformation!" With partisan rhetoric at an all time high, the League is pleased to offer our members and supporters information on how to recognize the tactics used by those who try to obscure the truth or distract voters with outrageous stories --- sometimes in support of a candidate or cause and sometimes just to stir up trouble. We hope you'll be able to attend this event and to invite others who want to learn more about when and how to take on "bad actors" who threaten our democratic process.
We need more help with all of our activities. Please carve out some time this fall to participate, especially to support Voter Service. If you have some time, please email Sandy Mory, Voter Service Chair. We welcome you.
Taryn Upchurch
Diane McNutt